We have a very popular regular MUSIC NIGHT on the first Wednesday of each month, doors open 7pm—music 7.30pm,
This is a FREE EVENT, very reasonable priced bar,
plenty of parking, raffle, local musicians singing and/or playing a variety of music — if you sing or play why not come along and join in, or just come and enjoy the music and great atmosphere – all welcome.
We advise you to get there early to make sure of a seat!!
The Music Nights are always a lively evening filled with a grand selection of talented local musicians who play a variety of instruments as well as some excellent singers. Normally ending with a grand finale where all musicians/singers can join in—audience participation welcome.
Relax in the interval, enjoy a drink or a coffee from our very reasonably priced bar, join in the raffle (prizes always welcome) and take the opportunity to chat with friends, both old and new.
If you have not been before, pop along and have a drink and listen to some relaxing music in a friendly atmosphere. New musicians are always welcome so bring along your instrument and join in.
All welcome.
We have a well lit car park so please park off the road if you can. Of course those bringing equipment and/or instruments can use the front car park as before. For anyone who has difficulty walking there are designated disabled spaces at the front of the hall.
Setting up of the hall will take place from 6.15pm so anyone available to help with tables and chairs would be most welcome. In addition, The Village Hall volunteers always appreciate help with wiping down and putting away when we finish. Thank you very much.
Click here for Brian’s Page showing previous sessions and a link to the recording.
Profits from the raffle/bar are used to support the village hall.